We achieve well-being by using our talents to benefit others. An entertaining musician is praised regardless of drug use or pedophilia. Smooth talkers occupy infomercials, persuading viewers to buy a washing machine that dispenses gumballs. A few devote themselves to simply beating the shit out of people, or talking about how hard it is to be black.If these are considered respectable trades, why is it taboo to be a professional slut?
If you don’t live in Somalia, examine your neighborhood’s businesses. You’ll find that most of them address a carnal urge: restaurants for hunger, police for safety, clothing stores for looking presentable. These are lucrative industries because they satisfy desires almost everybody has. An enterprise grows by responding to our urges; and in almost every case, the intensity of the urge produces a corresponding economic presence.
But what about sex? You could say that advertisers use tits like nerds use reference humor. Majorska sales would plummet if their billboards didn’t depict Russian models posing for a facial. Still, corporations are not selling sex the way a restaurant sells food. It’s beneficial for them to imply that buying a Hyundai will get you laid, but don’t expect a refund if the Sonata doesn’t drive you straight to pussy paradise. In short, companies will give you a boner, but it’s up to you to manage your blue balls. Where in time is LEGAL and LEGITIMATE sexual service? Sluts, forced into shame (usually by other women), are the answer.
An idiot might say something like, “Why do you want professional sluts? Can’t you go get a girl for free, or are you just an ugly cockmole?” Firstly, no woman offers herself for free. As for not wanting to find a willing woman: If I were to hand you a .22 and drop you in a patch of woods the day before Thanksgiving, could you kill a turkey? Maybe, if you’re a skilled hunter. If you’re like most of us, however, the poultry aisle is a simpler option. Understand that we pay for convenience as well as products.
So why don’t we have a hooker union or a blowjob delivery service? (If you don’t cum in 30 minutes, it’s free.) Because it would be disrespectful to women? Listen buddy, when a girl rides me like Cowboy Troy, I’m already inclined to pay her. She is a sexual artist -- a source of carnal ecstasy, and hopefully not herpes. Is it irrational to suggest that artists deserve pay for their work? We’re talking about one of the most autonomous careers in existence! Do away with the fucking street pimps; make her the pimp.
Let’s bypass the sententious bullshit and admit we’re all down to fuck. So long as you’re careful, the matter would be as simple as going to a restaurant. That not romantic enough for you? Go get married. (Good luck with the divorce.)